Once again a great wee creation. Love the art and music and honestly wish the story was longer. Really interesting look into the relationship this woman has not only with her body, but with her mind and other people. Loved the concept of cutting bits out of herself and the way she was written to latch onto everything and cite patterns and paranoia was incredibly well executed. Great work.
I love this game, it might not be the right emotion but it's the one I feel. It might be the sleep deprivation and the escapism working against me but the feeling this game provides is addicting, I want more. This surreal story is relatable in an inexplicable sense, thank you for making this.
Well, this was an experience. Actually, I created this account just so I could leave this comment. I played through it once and got the acceptance ending, then I went through again and again, getting all the endings in the order they were presented in the game files (.ute files had ending_something seven times and one was just the menu for seeing that). It was good. Wrenched my interest onto it and wrenched my stomach. I still feel a bit unsettled. I also am curious as to what happens next, but I've got to say that the figure that entered stage right at the end kinda felt out of place for me. Other comments speculate that the character was supposed to be an "open to interpretation" type thing, but I honestly think the game is more complete if I ignore the character entirely. It raises so many questions in me, but no new ones. All of them I was already asking from the constant response of "please come home." But that is just my own two cents. I did really enjoy the endings "Acceptance," "Johann," and "PTSD." I thought all of them played out well, but these really stuck with me. Good game overall. Already recommended to a friend.
My first ending was acceptance and I understood it in a way that she was so disgusted by her body and her flaws and imperfections that she started developing this feeling of complete detachment from her skeleton, going so far as to believe that it's not hers but comes from few different people. But taking some time off she was able to confront these feelings and realize her developing delusions. But I was so into this game that I played until I got all of the endings ;p
I really like this game and every story told, every ending was super interesting to me and a lot of them hit close to home as I study psychology and (without spoiling too much) I found a lot of what I learned on the clinical psychology classes represented in the game. I still don't know who the guy in the end is and what did Laynie do to him xD my guess is that it's a kind of an 'open to interpretation thing depending on what story you got'. I was hoping that his character would make more sense after uncovering different facts (like why he has this... contraption on his head, why he only says one thing) but well. Overall very unique experience though, love the art style, the unsettling feeling the game gives, the way of story-telling that makes the gameplay a very individual experience that resonates in different ways with different people (the conclusion I draw from reading other interpretations, more than the 6 that I expected).
I would love to know more about the story behind creation of the game but I get that it's a hush-hush experiment for now. Would love to know the results though if possible.
I've also seen Zen and Art by you guys and will definetely check out the other games. Keep up the good work!
This is really great and interesting, plus the art is pretty good! I like that kinda weird vibe that it has but also i can feel a bit familiar to the main character's feelings somehow. Amazing game!
Cool experience. Thought it was pretty cool how meta it was looking inside her body, like I was being creepy crossing a boundary and excited and worried what I would find, just as I'd imagine the character would actually feel in that situation. But since you enabled me to inhabit a strange girl's body for a few minutes, I'd like to make a personal complaint. Bra and panties are ok. No bra and no panties are ok. Bra only is weird but ok. Panties and no bra NEVER OK. Anyways that was fun, thx.
Just started playing, and there's something possibly accidental that's really effective at getting a certain feeling across. Whenever I click a feature on an X-ray, the game briefly freezes and goes silent, as if loading. But it also accurately depicts the brief moment of frozen horror when you find something that really shouldn't be there.
This game is so unsettling and bizarre, I felt so utterly sorry for their predicament as an allegory for trans feelings or body image issues. Thanks for making something so thought provoking
It's really interesting how you change the narrative by choosing what you think it happened. Nice reference to GWBW by the way. If someone asked me which Deconstructeam games I like, I'd have to answer "Dunahrai, my friend".
I liked the art style, which it why I played. Loved the sound and atmosphere, and that occasional music that comes through (is it scripted? couldn't tell - enjoyed it anyway)
I got the self esteem/blame/accountability ending first. Then the surprise visitor made me reconsider. I did a replay thinking another ending would see her escape, but from what I can tell there is no escape? (I got activate, then defeat). Maybe it's not Johan, and she escaped already.
I found it difficult to judge the game logic at first... would my observations affect the reality of the game world? Or was it simple delusion. It was made harder to judge having very little means of examining the world - only looking inwards rather than out. So yeah interesting study on the pitfalls of excessive introspection ha.
My conclusion was that my bones pertained to Johann. This was really interesting and had a great visual style, looking forward to what you are up to next! :)
The outcome of my investigation is that she is a russian sleeper agent? Some guy in a weird suit comes up to her at the end. My thoughts on the game make me feel that she is delusional though. That maybe she was traumatized by Johan so much that she begins to feel like her skeleton isn't her own. Making up this story in her mind that she is a sleeper agent Her delusion is so deep that she 100 percent believes it's real. She operates on herself to cope with the mental abuse she has been put through by Johan. This is only my theory as, what is told by her about Johan is vague. On a side note I see you are the developer of supercontient LTD! I enjoyed that game so much when I played it over a year ago. Even though I didn't beat it I enjoyed playing it. I"m sure we have both grown so much as let's player and, developer in that time. Keep on creating can't wait to see what will be next!
I really liked this experience, and there are so many vastly different endings, fantastic work. I went through 2 endings, and was fascinated throughout. Loved it!
Really interesting game! Not sure if it was supposed to have some deeper meaning or if the ending was really by our own design based on the responses! But I really liked it! I ended up with being activated to soon...i think. I am still a bit vague but that seemed to be the conclusion the character came to so that is what I am going with! Great job developer!
I loved this game. After a traumatic event, sometimes your body no longer feels like your own and it's easier to make up excuses, rather than face the truth, to protect yourself. Super well thought out and hard hitting for your fairly straightforward point and click vidya game. <3
Interesting game! I like the protagonist and the art style quite a lot, and replaying, it was interesting watching how the things she found changed with what interpretation she put on them.
Oh, be still my poor beating heart! This was quite the experience, and I left it feeling incredibly downhearted. In fact, as the game progressed and more predictable conclusions started to be drawn I just started inwardly (and outwardly) cringing.
But despite the sinking feelings in the pit of my stomach, I did really enjoy the game. The protagonist is, despite having obviously gone through a lot in life, surprisingly chipper and pretty witty, which gives me hope that she may just come through all of this hideousness OK in the end (or as OK as one can be).
The quirky x-ray / self-examination side of things is definitely something that made this one stand out too, and hunting for all of the oddities about the character made me explore my own oddities too, quite a healing time was had by all!
Very curious to see what else comes of this and the secret project tied to it, will be keeping my eyes peeled! Keep up the great work! =)
This game is really neat! During my playthrough, I found the feet to be normal, despite the different sizes, the bullet from Johann’s gun in the thigh, a citizenship microchip in the hand, replaced cervical disks from falling on the car, clotted blood in stomach from injury, and a crystal eye from Johann hitting with a frying pan.
In the end, she realized that the skeleton is different because of the injuries Johann made and a guy with a bandaged head and a head brace, I guesssing Johann, showed up. I thought the person on the other end of the radio was a recording since they kept saying the same thing over and over. Thanks for making a great game!
It got stuck in xray after viewing the left hand artifact, could not get out of xray mode, it only took pictures wherever i pushed. This was in browser.
I quickly went through the other comments and I think nobody made this point yet.
Hidden beyond the surface of a nice little game, there are lessons to be learnt on human biases. Rationalisation is one of them. Also how with the same set of evidence one can construct many different stories and be convinced(deluded?) that they are the (sole?) correct explanation. Most people are wired in a way that once an answer/cause is found, no matter how implausible it may be, they stop considering other reasons. E.g. you can't analyse the same body part more than once. Of course, users curious enough can circumvent this limitation by re-playing the game.
*spoiler follows*: I got the ending IIRC where she determines that the skeleton belongs to somebody else. But she can't make up anything more. That is frustrating for her, as everybody tends to think themselves as special and she found out that after all this effort she still has the same unanswered questions... which don't differ by much of what more mundane people think themselves.
PS: what car did you use as a model? It kind of reminds me of a SEAT 124
Thanks for this really... interesting... game. I ended up blaming everything on conspiracies. Wasn't expecting the pixel boobs lol but I appreciate the confronting nature of the game. Here's my Twitch playthrough.
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Once again a great wee creation. Love the art and music and honestly wish the story was longer. Really interesting look into the relationship this woman has not only with her body, but with her mind and other people. Loved the concept of cutting bits out of herself and the way she was written to latch onto everything and cite patterns and paranoia was incredibly well executed. Great work.
I love this game, it might not be the right emotion but it's the one I feel. It might be the sleep deprivation and the escapism working against me but the feeling this game provides is addicting, I want more. This surreal story is relatable in an inexplicable sense, thank you for making this.
Great game. I'm not completely sure if I got the acceptance ending, but I'm very interested in playing again for the other endings.
Well, this was an experience. Actually, I created this account just so I could leave this comment. I played through it once and got the acceptance ending, then I went through again and again, getting all the endings in the order they were presented in the game files (.ute files had ending_something seven times and one was just the menu for seeing that). It was good. Wrenched my interest onto it and wrenched my stomach. I still feel a bit unsettled. I also am curious as to what happens next, but I've got to say that the figure that entered stage right at the end kinda felt out of place for me. Other comments speculate that the character was supposed to be an "open to interpretation" type thing, but I honestly think the game is more complete if I ignore the character entirely. It raises so many questions in me, but no new ones. All of them I was already asking from the constant response of "please come home." But that is just my own two cents. I did really enjoy the endings "Acceptance," "Johann," and "PTSD." I thought all of them played out well, but these really stuck with me. Good game overall. Already recommended to a friend.
(thanks for the .utf info !)
My first ending was acceptance and I understood it in a way that she was so disgusted by her body and her flaws and imperfections that she started developing this feeling of complete detachment from her skeleton, going so far as to believe that it's not hers but comes from few different people. But taking some time off she was able to confront these feelings and realize her developing delusions. But I was so into this game that I played until I got all of the endings ;p
I really like this game and every story told, every ending was super interesting to me and a lot of them hit close to home as I study psychology and (without spoiling too much) I found a lot of what I learned on the clinical psychology classes represented in the game. I still don't know who the guy in the end is and what did Laynie do to him xD my guess is that it's a kind of an 'open to interpretation thing depending on what story you got'. I was hoping that his character would make more sense after uncovering different facts (like why he has this... contraption on his head, why he only says one thing) but well. Overall very unique experience though, love the art style, the unsettling feeling the game gives, the way of story-telling that makes the gameplay a very individual experience that resonates in different ways with different people (the conclusion I draw from reading other interpretations, more than the 6 that I expected).
I would love to know more about the story behind creation of the game but I get that it's a hush-hush experiment for now. Would love to know the results though if possible.
I've also seen Zen and Art by you guys and will definetely check out the other games. Keep up the good work!
Thanks a lot for playing and the insights on the game! :)
This is really great and interesting, plus the art is pretty good! I like that kinda weird vibe that it has but also i can feel a bit familiar to the main character's feelings somehow. Amazing game!
Cool experience. Thought it was pretty cool how meta it was looking inside her body, like I was being creepy crossing a boundary and excited and worried what I would find, just as I'd imagine the character would actually feel in that situation. But since you enabled me to inhabit a strange girl's body for a few minutes, I'd like to make a personal complaint. Bra and panties are ok. No bra and no panties are ok. Bra only is weird but ok. Panties and no bra NEVER OK. Anyways that was fun, thx.
What happened to Johnathan?
This game is unexpectedly bizarre, but interesting, a good game
I do not know what I just played... help.
~if the english is bad, sorry~
Question: What in the world happened to Johnathan?
Just started playing, and there's something possibly accidental that's really effective at getting a certain feeling across. Whenever I click a feature on an X-ray, the game briefly freezes and goes silent, as if loading. But it also accurately depicts the brief moment of frozen horror when you find something that really shouldn't be there.
This game is so unsettling and bizarre, I felt so utterly sorry for their predicament as an allegory for trans feelings or body image issues. Thanks for making something so thought provoking
It's really interesting how you change the narrative by choosing what you think it happened. Nice reference to GWBW by the way. If someone asked me which Deconstructeam games I like, I'd have to answer "Dunahrai, my friend".
Really good! I just wished all the endings weren't the same, like with the guy coming from the right
I had my narritive went towards child soldier :) Very nice game and I love the style of it!
I liked the art style, which it why I played. Loved the sound and atmosphere, and that occasional music that comes through (is it scripted? couldn't tell - enjoyed it anyway)
I got the self esteem/blame/accountability ending first. Then the surprise visitor made me reconsider. I did a replay thinking another ending would see her escape, but from what I can tell there is no escape? (I got activate, then defeat). Maybe it's not Johan, and she escaped already.
I found it difficult to judge the game logic at first... would my observations affect the reality of the game world? Or was it simple delusion. It was made harder to judge having very little means of examining the world - only looking inwards rather than out. So yeah interesting study on the pitfalls of excessive introspection ha.
So are there only six endings or is there a secret one I'm missing?
My conclusion was that my bones pertained to Johann. This was really interesting and had a great visual style, looking forward to what you are up to next! :)
it"s sick! But i like it!
Thank you!! 감사합니다!!
Have you ever woke up and thought, "this isn't my skeleton" ? Well, this girl did.
I really liked this experience, and there are so many vastly different endings, fantastic work. I went through 2 endings, and was fascinated throughout. Loved it!
My bones are a gift from another world. That result made me deeply emotional; it really resonated with me. Thank you.
Really interesting game! Not sure if it was supposed to have some deeper meaning or if the ending was really by our own design based on the responses! But I really liked it! I ended up with being activated to soon...i think. I am still a bit vague but that seemed to be the conclusion the character came to so that is what I am going with! Great job developer!
I loved this game. After a traumatic event, sometimes your body no longer feels like your own and it's easier to make up excuses, rather than face the truth, to protect yourself. Super well thought out and hard hitting for your fairly straightforward point and click vidya game. <3
Oh, but Johann can choke.
Interesting game! I like the protagonist and the art style quite a lot, and replaying, it was interesting watching how the things she found changed with what interpretation she put on them.
I accidentally activated by myself.
Weird! I like it!
A very powerful little game!
Oh, be still my poor beating heart! This was quite the experience, and I left it feeling incredibly downhearted. In fact, as the game progressed and more predictable conclusions started to be drawn I just started inwardly (and outwardly) cringing.
But despite the sinking feelings in the pit of my stomach, I did really enjoy the game. The protagonist is, despite having obviously gone through a lot in life, surprisingly chipper and pretty witty, which gives me hope that she may just come through all of this hideousness OK in the end (or as OK as one can be).
The quirky x-ray / self-examination side of things is definitely something that made this one stand out too, and hunting for all of the oddities about the character made me explore my own oddities too, quite a healing time was had by all!
Very curious to see what else comes of this and the secret project tied to it, will be keeping my eyes peeled! Keep up the great work! =)
Good job, I had fun and it was interesting making my own story
This game is really neat! During my playthrough, I found the feet to be normal, despite the different sizes, the bullet from Johann’s gun in the thigh, a citizenship microchip in the hand, replaced cervical disks from falling on the car, clotted blood in stomach from injury, and a crystal eye from Johann hitting with a frying pan.
In the end, she realized that the skeleton is different because of the injuries Johann made and a guy with a bandaged head and a head brace, I guesssing Johann, showed up. I thought the person on the other end of the radio was a recording since they kept saying the same thing over and over. Thanks for making a great game!
really interesting and different
Another really excellent game! Great job.
It got stuck in xray after viewing the left hand artifact, could not get out of xray mode, it only took pictures wherever i pushed. This was in browser.
I quickly went through the other comments and I think nobody made this point yet.
Hidden beyond the surface of a nice little game, there are lessons to be learnt on human biases. Rationalisation is one of them. Also how with the same set of evidence one can construct many different stories and be convinced(deluded?) that they are the (sole?) correct explanation. Most people are wired in a way that once an answer/cause is found, no matter how implausible it may be, they stop considering other reasons. E.g. you can't analyse the same body part more than once. Of course, users curious enough can circumvent this limitation by re-playing the game.
*spoiler follows*: I got the ending IIRC where she determines that the skeleton belongs to somebody else. But she can't make up anything more. That is frustrating for her, as everybody tends to think themselves as special and she found out that after all this effort she still has the same unanswered questions... which don't differ by much of what more mundane people think themselves.
Thanks for this really... interesting... game. I ended up blaming everything on conspiracies. Wasn't expecting the pixel boobs lol but I appreciate the confronting nature of the game. Here's my Twitch playthrough.